Sunday, December 09, 2007

Hmm, the camera was getting rusty....

and I really needed to get outside and use my Belle!!! So, I did. Today was a beautiful, sunny Sat. afternoon and Braxxon and I took off down the road for a little walk with the camera! I posted a challenge on Scrap Shotz to "Take a Walk" and show a little piece of what you see while you're out's what I saw:

This first one wasn't on my "walk" but after I brought the dog back home I jumped in the car intending to take a picture of the old abandoned barn down our road, with all the snow there was no place to get off the road and park, so I kept on going and turned at the golf course...I couldn't resist the parked golf carts just waiting for Spring.

Here's Braxxon - played a bit in PSPx2 to brighten up the snow a scripts!!!

The tree in our yard.

A cross in the field along our walk route

Road leading up to the swimming hole from the campground

A lone Fall leaf laying on the snow

1 comment:

Boo said...

Julie! Your photography is absolutely stunning!!!!! Please keep sharing your photos!